1. You’re exhausted by the amount of time you spend thinking about drinking
Alcohol use can be all-consuming. Deciding whether or not to drink, when you will start, how many you will have, what people will think saps your energy and leaves room for little else.
2. You feel like alcohol is getting in the way of making genuine connections and memories
Alcohol can dictate your choices – where you go, who you hang with, whether you go out at all. The secrecy that accompanies regular alcohol use can also be isolating.
3. You’re scared of memory lapses, blackouts, and feeling like you’re losing time
Do you often wake-up and have trouble remembering the night before or can’t remember how you got home. Are there big chunks of time that are just “missing”?
4. You feel increasing amounts of anxiety, shame, and guilt after a day or night of drinking
People make lousy decisions when they are intoxicated and the shame, guilt and self-sabotage that follows can turn into an ugly and endless cycle.
5. You’re excited when you think about what you could achieve with more time and energy
Does the prospect of an alcohol free life excite you? Imagine what you could do if you could get up early, focus on family, friends and moving yourself forward!
Most people think there’s only 1 way to deal with a drinking problem…Stand up in a room full of strangers, tell them you have a problem, and then vow that you’ll never drink again for the rest of your life.
But what about the rest of us?
Those of us who don’t want to write off booze completely, but would like to get a handle on how often things get out of control.
Imagine, no more wasted Saturday and Sunday mornings spent in bed feeling sorry for yourself…
No more weeknights where 1 drink turns into many and you’re getting home in the wee hours of the morning…
No more feeling guilt about just how much money you spent on drinks the night before…
Well the good news is that there is a way, and it doesn’t involve delving deep into your past, spending years in therapy, or sticking to non-alcoholic drinks.
The truth is that you don’t need to write off booze completely, you simply need to change your relationship with alcohol. Ready to get started? Click here!